Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The De-Clutter Continues....

Hi all, well the de-cluttering is coming along nicely. On Monday T (DS4) and I started putting our big pile of 'junk' out on the nature strip ready for collection this Monday. He was such a good helper putting things into his wheelbarrow and taking them out the front for dumping!

I had stored a huge pile just inside my gate ready to go out and have put all that out except for some chaff bags of rubbish that I won't put out until Sunday night. People (me included) love to go through the hard rubbish piles and I don't want these bags emptied and left in a mess so I have to go out and clean it all up again. It's very rude when people don't leave things as they found them.

I've left the chaff bags in my driveway along with a huge old tv that I can't lift. I'll have to borrow my neighbors hubby for that one!

Since Monday, each time I've come home, it gives me the hugest buzz to see ALL that junk sitting there ready to go and know that in only a few more days, it'll be out of my life for good!

I've also been busily sorting out the inside of the house too. There were three bookshelves that I've put out too, they really have had it and I don't like the look of them. I'm trying really hard to only have stuff that is useable, gives me pleasure to look at, or I need to use at another time like Christmas decorations. It's just amazing how much stuff I have!! I am by no means a hoarder BUT we have been here now for 12 years and there's lots of stuff that needs to go.

I'm hoping to move house by the end of the year and I sure as hell will NOT be paying to move ANYthing that doesn't fit the above categories!!

Well T has just gotten up to start the day, so that spells the end of my blogging for this morning.

Here's a pic of our nature strip so far, there's much more to add!

Oh, and my car boot has a few boxes of stuff for the Op Shop too, I'm sure 'stuff' breeds by itself!!

Today there'll be more de-cluttering and some washing of fleece. I'm drying a gorgeous white fleece at the moment, pictures will come later today....

Have a good day! xxx

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